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SWORBHP Prehospital Save Award

If you have done a call that you feel meets or potentially meets the criteria to be considered for a
Prehospital Save Award, please complete the following form and submit to the Base Hospital for
follow-up and verification. Please do not include any personal patient information on this form.

SWORBHP Prehospital Save Award criteria:

- The paramedic crew presented a patient to the Emergency Department (ED) with a prehospital Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) AND the patient is discharged from hospital, OR

- The paramedic crew presented a vital sign absent (VSA) patient to the ED, the patient was resuscitated in the ED AND the patient was discharged from hospital. If a paramedic is unsure if the patient was successfully resuscitated in the ED, this form can be completed to request patient outcome verification by SWORBHP.

SWORBHP Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) Award criteria:

- The paramedic crew presented a patient to the Emergency Department with a prehospital Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC). The patient did not survive to discharge, OR

- The paramedic crew presented a patient to the ED with a prehospital ROSC and SWORBHP is unable to determine if the patient survived to discharge.

Nomination Form
Paramedic Information: